Biografías e Historia

La primera globalización. América y los océanos. Rutas de aventura y ciencia (del siglo XVI al XVIII)

With the title ‘La primera globalización. América y los océanos. Rutas de aventura y ciencia (del siglo XVI al XVIII)’, Fundación Banco Santander and Fundación Cultural de la Nobleza Española organised the Biografías e Historia lecture series in 2020.

In this edition, the phenomenon of Iberian expansion, touched upon in earlier series, was tackled from a commercial and scientific perspective. Carmen Iglesias, Carmen Sanz, Javier Puerto and José Luis Barona discussed the explorers’ entrepreneurial activities and the scientific expeditions organised by Malaspina and Balmis, among others.

Due to the pandemic, the series was cancelled after the first lecture by professor Carmen Iglesias, which was held on 3 March 2020 at the CentroCentro auditorium (Madrid). The remaining lectures were recorded and made available to the public on the foundation’s YouTube channel.