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Agustín de Foxá

Nostalgia, intimidad y aristocracia



Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2010
24 x 17 cm
416 pgs.
Binding: Hardcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-92543-17-5

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Agustín de Foxá (Madrid, 1906-1959) continues to be an outstanding author within the narrative of twentieth-century Spanish literature. His name is associated with a dark time and a memorable novel conceived as war propaganda.

This anthology rescues the various, barely known, records of his writing. He projected a singular perspective on practically all genres. This book offers a global interpretation of a complex trajectory and invites us to read the Count of Foxá on the margins of clichés and from within, starting with his magnificent diary, full of person confessions and reflections that allow us to enter into the contradictions of an unclassifiable character.

The philosopher and writer Jordi Amat (Barcelona, 1978) has been responsible for selecting the texts included in this volume and for the prologue. He collaborates in the cultural supplement of La Vanguardia. His latest books are the biography Com una pàtria. Vida de Josep Benet, the chronicle La conjura de los irresponsables and the essay Largo proceso, amargo sueño.

Nostalgia, intimidad y aristocracia