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Ramón de Basterra

Poesía (2 vols.)



Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2001
24 x 17 cm
Volume I, 299 pgs.
Volume II, 316 pgs.
Binding: softcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-89913-31-8 (Volume I)
ISBN: 978-84-89913-32-5 (Volume II)
ISBN: 978-84-89913-33-2 (Complete works)

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Ramón de Basterra (Bilbao, 1888-Madrid, 1928) was a Spanish writer, poet and diplomat of Noucentisme, who was practically forgotten before the Civil War, when he died before the age of forty, suffering from mental problems.

This two-volume edition gathers poetry that had not been published since 1958. The first volume includes Las udres luminosas (1923), La sencillez de los seres (1923), Los labios del monte (1924) and Llama romance, unpublished until 1971. Also included is a preliminary essay by José Carlos Mainer entitled Para leer a Ramón de Basterra (instrucciones de uso). The second volume features the last two books of the author: Virulo, Mocedades (1924) and Vírulo, Mediodía (1927) and his dispersed and already published work adding numerous poems to those included in the edition of 1958.

José Carlos Mainer (Zaragoza, 1944), one of the great essayists of the present time and an expert in the Spanish literature of the beginning of the 20th century, carried out the introductory analysis and, together with Manuel Asín, compiled the texts for the volumes.