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Mauricio Bacarisse




Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2003
24 x 17 cm
476 pgs.
Binding: softcover
Language: spanish
Digitalized copy located at: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
ISBN: 978-84-89913-51-6

Here you can buy this volume

Mauricio Bacarisse (Madrid, 1895-1931), was a poet, novelist, essayist, translator and contributor to the press and the most prestigious cultural magazines of his time, such as La Gaceta Literaria and Revista de Occidente.

This anthology contains his best known work: Los terribles amores de Agliberto y Celedonia, one of the most intelligent and ironic novels of the time. It also includes his most radical poems and some journalistic collaborations never reprinted until today, albeit very useful for a better understanding of a modern novelist's fascination with love, women and imperfection.

Jordi Gracia (Barcelona, 1965), professor at the University of Barcelona and specialist in writers of the generation of 27, of the Civil War and the post-war period, has overseen the selection of the texts and the introductory study.