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Ramón de la Serna y Espina

La torre invisible. Antología esencial



Cuadernos de Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2020
24 x 17 cm
570 págs.
Binding: Hardcover
Language: spanish
ISBN:  978-84-17264-09-3

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Ramón de la Serna y Espina (1894-1969) was born in Chile, in the midst of a bourgeois family, where his with his mother, the writer Concha Espina, at the centre. At the age of fourteen he went to England, studied Philosophy and Literature in Madrid and continued his studies in Germany, where he met artists such as Klee and Kandinski. On his return to Spain he translated several works from German, among them Lope de Vega y su tiempo, by Vossler, and Tipos psicológicos, by Jung.

A novelist and playwright, Ramón de la Serna's work offers a breath of fresh air between the classical and the avant-garde. His writing is infused with humanism and explores, from a philosophical perspective, different themes that are still valid today. Despite this, he was practically forgotten by his contemporaries and misunderstood by critics.

This volume gathers one of his unpublished dramas, Boves, a hymn to freedom and progressivism; Puente Rojo, a futuristic story that he left unpublished, and Chao, a surprising psychological novel that reveals the author's interest in psychoanalysis. In addition to his collaborations in magazines and newspapers -among them El Sol, El Imparcial, the Revista de Occidente or the Chilean El Mercurio- he emerged as one of the most audacious and heterodox columnists of his time. Therefore, these pages also include a selection of his articles, some of which are unpublished.

Daniela Agrillo (Naples, 1984) holds a PhD in Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies from the University of Naples "L'Orientale" and is a specialist in the figure of Ramón de la Serna y Espina, to whom she has dedicated several articles published in international scientific journals, in addition to her doctoral thesis.

La voz sola