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Valentín Andrés Álvarez

Ensayo, narración y teatro



Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2008
24 x 17 cm
524 pgs.
Binding: softcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-89913-48-X

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Valentín Andrés Álvarez (Degree, Asturias, 1981-Oviedo, 1982) was an economist, teacher, lawyer and writer influenced by the generation of '27. Before devoting himself to theatre, he combined his extensive career as an economist with his literary activity cultivating essay, poetry and novel.

This anthology brings together a selection of essays, narratives and plays by this multifaceted author. The novels Sentimental Dancing (1925) and Naufragio en la sombra (1930) are included in this edition, after which, the writer turned to theatre production.

The anthology was compiled by the professor of Spanish Literature José María Martínez Cachero (Oviedo, 1934-2010), who also wrote the prologue to this volume. Co-founder of the journal Archivum, he published numerous studies and critical editions on the most relevant works of Spanish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.