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Marín Civera y Luis Abad Carretero

En pos de un nuevo Humanismo. Prosa escogida

Ensayos y artículos


Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2018
24 x 17 cm
457 pgs.
Binding: Hardcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-17264-05-5

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Marín Civera (Valencia, 1900-Mexico City, 1975), and Luis Abad Carretero (Almería, 1895-Gádor, 1971) were two unknown inhabitants of the philosophical and essayist regions of Spanish literature in the last century, endowed with an unsuspected literary height, to whom we can undoubtedly add the mark of pioneers of modernising and humanist thought.

The civil war and the exile that both suffered, modulated and upset their convictions, always directed towards freedom and plurality. Both steered towards the search for a new humanism that would make it possible to respond to the technical advances (and horrors), that would offer a new solidarity among human beings and that would give shelter to a contemplative serenity in the world of haste and speed that they foresaw more than sixty years before.

Ricardo Tejada (San Sebastián, 1965) is a professor of Modern and Contemporary Spanish Civilization at the University of Le Mans (France) and a researcher of philosophical Hispanism in exile: Unamuno, Ortega, Zambrano, Chacel, Gaya, Bergamín, etc. He has published books such as De una sensibilidad por venir. Ensayos de estética contemporánea, Briznas del tiempo and the critical edition of Escritos sobre Ortega by María Zambrano, without forgetting El pensamiento vivo de Séneca (volume II of the Obras completas by María Zambrano).

En pos de un nuevo Humanismo. Prosa escogida