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Benjamín Jarnés

Elogio de la impureza. Invenciones e intervenciones

Ensayos y artículos


Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2007
24 x 17 cm
508 pgs.
Binding: softcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-89913-83-7

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Benjamín Jarnés (Codo, Zaragoza, 1888-Madrid, 1949), managed to harmonize the tradition with the avant-garde audacity and the brilliance of style with the depth of his subjects. He came into contact with some of the most important intellectuals of his time, and his prose contributed to significantly influencing some of the great writers of the second half of the Spanish twentieth century, such as Buero Vallejo and Andrés Trapiello, among others.

This volume proposes a journey through the work of a creator and humanist who considered his intellectual independence to be non-negotiable, including a broad sample of his narrative and essay production.

Domingo Ródenas (Cehegín, Murcia, 1963), professor of Literature at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona and specialist in avant-garde prose, was responsible for the selection of texts and authored the volume's prologue.