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Eduardo Zamacois

Cortesanas, bohemios, asesinos y fantasmas



Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2014
24 x 17 cm
342 pgs.
Binding: Hardcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-92543-55-7

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Zamacois (Pinar del Río, Cuba, 1873-Buenos Aires, 1971) is one of the most forgotten and exquisite writers of Spanish literature, between the generation of ‘98 and ‘14. Founder of El Cuento Semanal, reporter, filmmaker, pioneer speaker, storyteller of the bohemian and terror, he was a promoter of Spanish culture in exile.

This volume brings together the best of his work including theatre, stories, tales of courtiers, a section of his wonderful memoirs, El hombre que se va, journalistic reports and letters, such as the one addressed to his nephew, which show us his sense of humour and the humanity he exuded until his death at the age of 98.

Gonzalo Santonja (Béjar, Salamanca, 1952), professor and director of the Instituto Castellano Leonés de la Lengua, is reponsilbe for this volume, a great specialist in the Silver Age of Spanish literature.

Cortesanas, bohemios, asesinos y fantasmas