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José Bergamín

Claro y difícil

Ensayos y artículos


Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2008
24 x 17 cm
384 pgs.
Binding: softcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-89913-95-0

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José Bergamín (Madrid, 1895-Fuenterrabía, Guipúzcoa, 1983) was one of the most controversial writers and intellectuals of Spanish literature in the 20th century. Before the war he worked as an essayist and editor. He was the driving force behind the Generation of '27, who made a decisive contribution to founding and publicizing. The war drastically radicalised him, taking him from his Catholicism to the most intransigent and debatable positions of Spanish communism.

Claro y difícil brings together a selection of his extensive literary production that includes poetry, aphorisms and essays, delving into the literary quality and existential depth of one of the most emblematic authors of his generation.

Andrés Trapiello (Manzaneda de Torío, León, 1953), Spanish poet, essayist and novelist, has been in charge of the selection of texts and the prologue of this volume. Trapiello is one of the great specialists in the literature of exile and the Generation of 27.