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León Felipe

Castillo interior



Cuadernos de Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2015
172 pages
Binding: paperback
Language: Castilian Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-92543-67-0

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León Felipe (Tábara, 1884-Mexico City, 1968) is one of the great poets of the 20th century in Spanish, and author of some of the most sung poems in exile. His poetic path, always singular, also led him to translate the great American poet, Walt Whitman, and to join a third way of the republican exile, joining independents such as Juan Larrea.

The book, which gathers unpublished texts essential to understanding his poetic work, is divided into two parts: "Aposentos" deals with the creative forge of the pilgrim bard, fiery verses and incendiary speeches, whereas "Moradas" reveals confessions of the heart and soul through different unpublished letters, among which the correspondence with Juan Larrea stands out, one of the most enriching testimonies of the Spanish exile due to its emotion and depth.

Gonzalo Santonja, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, and Francisco Javier Expósito Lorenzo, head of the collection and writer, provide the prologue and anthology to this volume, with texts from the Provincial Historical Archive of Zamora and the Residencia de Estudiantes.

Castillo interior