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Samuel Ros


Ensayos y artículos


Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2002
24 x 17 cm
467 pgs.
Binding: softcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-89913-38-7

Samuel Ros (Valencia, 1904-Madrid, 1945), was a writer, journalist and playwright. He began his literary production with works on fantasy and humour, identified with the avant-garde of Ramón Gómez de la Serna. His later evolution derived towards a style that has been described as symbolist.

This anthology is a representative sample of his career through the compilation of a large part of his short stories, his novel Los vivos y los muertos (1937), the most successful play on stage - En el otro cuarto (1940) - and a varied selection of his journalistic articles written between 1941 and 1944.

The writer Medardo Fraile (Madrid, 1945-Glasgow, 2013) was the anthologist and the author of the introduction, the biographical notes and the bibliography. Belonging to the so-called half-century generation, his production includes short stories for which he was an accomplished master, as well as theatre, novels and literary criticism.