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Alberto Insúa


Epistolares y diarios


Obra Fundamental Collection

Edited in 2003
24 x 17 cm
447 pgs.
Binding: softcover
Language: spanish
ISBN: 978-84-89913-43-1

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Alberto Insúa (Havana, 1883-Madrid, 1963), was a journalist, playwright and novelist. He was educated in the modernist and postmodernist school and his work is close to gallant poetry. He was one of the best sellers of his time in the twenties, mostly, and part of the thirties, with books like El negro que tenía el arma blanca (1922).

This anthology gathers the experiences of the author framed in a time that was dense of historical, social, artistic events and of ample resonance in Spain and worldwide. His experiences are related to Cubanism, miscegenation and the impact of the disaster of 1898, as well as some very interesting journalistic chronicles.

Santiago Fortuño Llorens, professor of Spanish Literature at the University Jaume I of Castellón, was in charge of making this selection, in addition to writing the preliminary study and bibliographic compilation.