The foundation publishes two collections dedicated to protecting the environment: the Sustainable Develop- ment Handbooks and the Sustainability and Natural Heritage Notebooks.
The Sustainable Development Handbooks describe the projects carried out in partnership with organisations specialising in environmental protection in detail. The Sustainability and Natural Heritage Notebooks address different theoretical aspects of ecosystem preserva- tion. The collection concluded in 2020 with the pub- lication of an issue focusing on sustainable use of the environment.
As part of its commitment to the environment, the foun- dation decided in 2011 to publish both collections in digital format. Only a small print run is produced for donation to institutions involved in environmental man- agement or education.
Cuaderno de Sostenibilidad y Patrimonio Natural n.º 25
Uso sostenible del patrimonio natural
This publication is the final instalment in a trilogy dedicated to preserving the environment, which began with num- ber 23 of the Sustainability and Nat- ural Heritage Notebooks collection. It is divided into two parts: the first analyses the concepts of natural cap- ital and ecosystem protection, while the second focuses on mechanisms for sustainable biodiversity and land management. The texts were written by several experts linked to the Aso- ciación para la Sostenibilidad y el Pro- greso de las Sociedades (ASYPS).
Manual de Desarrollo Sostenible n.º 24
Restaurando puntos de agua, creando Fuentes de Vida
The partnership between Asociación Medioambiental O-Live and Fundación Banco Santander in 2017 allowed the impacts of summer drought on wild animals in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park to be mitigated by in- stalling a network of watering points across the region. This handbook lists the action taken and provides valua- ble information about the amphibian species present at the natural park and their state of conservation.
Manual de Desarrollo Sostenible n.º 25
Conservación del hábitat del buitre negro en Extremadura
This handbook describes the project undertaken in 2017 in collaboration with AMUS (Acción por el Mundo Sal- vaje) to restore the cinereous vulture population on the communal land to the southwest of Badajoz province. To this end, measures were taken to im- prove trophic availability and nesting options for this large European bird of prey. The programme was supple- mented by an awareness-raising cam- paign and social participation in activ- ities aimed at preserving the species.